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Showing posts from June, 2016

New York, May 2016

The first time we went to New York was in Dec 2001. We wanted to see the Ground Zero. We got lucky because they were letting militay members get up close to where the twin towers once stood.   The world trade center was gone and what's left was a giant deep hole in the ground.  The twin tower excavation site up close in Dec 2001                                                                                             This is the world trade center today.  Next to it is the old location of the world trade center which is now a memorial for the people who perished from the attacks.  Yankee Stadium. We weren't too impressed with the game we saw that day but Chris wanted to see the stadium itself. First time at Yankee Stadium selfie is a must rain or shine!                                                        Dinner at Clyde Frazier Restaurant Our longtime friend.