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Showing posts from May, 2016


Manila-  Mar 2016 Whenever I go to the Philippines, I stay and just hang out with the family. But this last visit, I decided to explore.  And to my surprise I discovered places I didn't think existed.  These are treasures to me.  The American Cemetery, located in Taguig was fantastic! If I remember it correctly the cemetery is bigger than the one in Normandy, France in both land area and graves.  Now I can't wait to go back and visit Cebu and Bohol.   No family gathering is without food.  In fact food is the centerpiece. Entrance to the American Cemetery My favorite mood of transportation when I'm in ManilaTricycle.       Forth Bonifacio                                                                  I was in heaven with all these mango vendors.  They are everywhere and its right outside Quaipo church. As soon as you walk outside they are right there. It would be my favorite place to go grocery shopping if I lived here.