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Showing posts from January, 2016

Hershey's Chocolate World

Hershey, PA

Snow Storm 2016

A few shots I took from around our yard during this snow storm that started yesterday. It is not really any different from last year at least in our area except the strong gusts of wind. The whizzing sound of strong wind woke us up early this morning and it's still snowing and windy. Can you see my snowman? He is halfway buried. This was the side door in the morning covered with snow.

Happy New Year!

Much love and Happy New Year!  It has been a busy last couple months for us and we've been having a blast.  I haven't been able to update my blog in a while. We celebrated the holidays and enjoyed the warmer than usual weather.  Below is a few photographs highlighting our last few months.  Hope you enjoy them and wishing everyone a prosperous new year!