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Showing posts from August, 2015

Our First Anchor in the Bay

 We traveled up the bay for about an hour to get to our destination.  Once we leave our home river, we end up in the Patapsco River which can produce about 2 foot waves, even on a day with little wind.  There are so many other boats going in all directions that the waves just build up.  But as long as you are safe, it's no problem.  Here is a picture of a set of navigation aids to lead us to our anchor spot.   Once we got to our spot and anchored, Chris was able to relax while floating on the tube.  With a drink in his hand, the day just drifted away!  The area we chose was a spot called Pleasure Island.  Of course we weren't alone and plenty of other boats with the same idea. After getting our fill, we decided to check out the entire area, called Hart-Miller Island.  Now this is the place to be!  Hundreds of boats anchored in a nice sandy area.  However, the day was winding down and we still had a good hour to get home.  Being the safe boaters we are, we headed

First Docking

Friday night outing and learning how to dock a boat in the marina.

Best Sunday Ever!

We've only had the boat for one week but we've already been out 3 times.  This Sunday was the perfect day for a cruise.  It was 90 degrees with just a few clouds.  So we got out and headed for the Inner Harbor.  It was quite busy but we kept it safe. Sparty doesn't love it but no matter what, he loves to be with us.  Here he is just cruising on the seat next to his Pop-Pop!    After touring the Harbor, we found a peaceful spot in our area, called Bear Creek.  Pop-Pop hung out on the swim platform before eventually taking a dip.  Sparty couldn't jump in because we don't yet have a ladder for him to climb back in.  But he sure had fun hanging out!